Lieko Shiga


豊嶋秀樹 トーク:ウルトラライトライフ – 「幕の内弁当」から「アートネイチャー」までをめぐる、山と芸術と仕事と遊びに関する話



Dialogue with Hideki Toyoshima : Ultra-light Life – Dialogs about mountains, art, work, and play from “Makunouchi Bento” to “Artnature”

Hideki Toyoshima ended his annual seclusion in the mountains of Hokkaido at the end of a weeklong holiday in May 2021. He then spent one month driving down south to return home to Kyushu Island. On the way back home, he stopped by at Studio Parlor and shared his unique way of life cultivated by his relationship with the mountains, which has continued for over 15 years since he started climbing. Staying in nature and feeling the breeze, falling sunlight, piling snow, and swelling waves—not resisting but staying with nature and fully devoting himself to “play” with it—his living practice raises important questions for society today. One can live in such a way by selecting means that match goals that provide ultimate happiness to him and the people around him. (Shiga)

Hideki Toyoshima
I live in Hokkaido from January to May and ski in the snowy mountains almost every day. I then spend one month traveling through mountains in the northeast region on the way back to Kyushu in where I live. In Kyushu, I spend my time surfing from summer to autumn and visit climbing points in and outside Japan in late fall before preparing for ski season in Hokkaido. This is a typical yearly cycle. I do climbing mountains in-between.


〒987-0005 宮城県遠田郡美里町北浦字新米谷11 旧パチンコ屋屋内 google map

〒987-0005 Inside former pachinko parlor, 11 Aza Shinmaiya, Kitaura, Misato-cho, Toda-gun, Miyagi Prefecture google map

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